From 12:00p.m. to 1:30p.m. Central Time on Friday, May 14, the nonprofit organization Arkansas None for Nine, which works to provide FASD-informed legal, social, educational, and medical services to Arkansas residents in need, will host a webinar training, entitled “Advocating for Individuals and Families Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).” During the webinar, experts in legal defense, disability advocacy, psychology, psychiatry, and medical care from around the United States will meet to discuss the diagnosis, ramifications, interventions, and prevention of FASD. More information and an online registration form can be found here.

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Orchids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Orchids is the FASD United Affiliate in Wisconsin.

This site is provided to families and professionals as an informative site on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It is not intended to replace professional medical, psychological, behavioral, legal, nutritional or educational counsel. Reference to any specific agency does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Orchids FASD Services.
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