The SAFEST Choice Learning Collaborative, a joint project of Proof Alliance and the Boston Medical Center, is a virtual FASD medical training program for teams at health centers and tribal clinics in the Upper Midwest and New England. Participating clinics are grouped into prenatal- or pediatric-focused cohorts to learn specialty-specific core competencies: the Prenatal Cohort will learn screening techniques and how to effectively counsel patients on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure, while the Pediatric Cohort will learn how to screen children and adolescents who may have FASD. Together, these courses offer medical providers a streamlined guide to prevent and address FASD across the lifespan.

Cost of participation will be covered by the program, which receives funding from the Health Resources and Human Services Administration (HRSA). Each health center will receive:

  • Free Continuing Education (CME, CNE, and Social Work) and MOC Part 2 credits
  • Ongoing, individualized training and assistance to address implementation challenges
  • A modest stipend

The program will begin in May, 2022. After an introductory webinar there will be ten 60-minute virtual ECHO ® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) sessions held on one Monday morning per month and delivered over the course of 12 months. Each session will provide a brief lecture by experts, case-based learning and collaborative problem-solving. No clinical data reporting will be required. Participating clinics are encouraged to invite all appropriate staff who will be involved in implementation of FASD prevention and care; this may include family physicians, pediatricians, OB/GYNs, NPs, PAs, CNMs, other medical personnel, behavioral health staff, and paraprofessionals such as community health and outreach workers.

For more information, contact

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Orchids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Orchids is the FASD United Affiliate in Wisconsin.

This site is provided to families and professionals as an informative site on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It is not intended to replace professional medical, psychological, behavioral, legal, nutritional or educational counsel. Reference to any specific agency does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Orchids FASD Services.
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