Since its foundation, FASD United has relied on distinguished leaders from across the United States to support its efforts and those of its affiliates. This December, they plan to host the first annual Star Awards, a celebration recognizing excellence in various fields of FASD advocacy and care.

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Amy Klobuchar, as well as Representatives Betty McCollum and Don Young, have been invited to share remarks thanking FASD advocates and urging passage of FASD legislation. Lucas Boyce, Christie Petrenko, Doug Waite, Susan Shepard Carlson, Billy Edwards, Kathryn Shea, Kathy Mitchell, Andy Kachor, Jenn Wisdahl, and Susan Elsworth are among other presenters and speakers.

The event will be held Friday, December 3, 2021, 8:00p.m. Eastern Time. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free. RSVP here to receive event updates and the Zoom link.

©2024 Orchids FASD Services of Wisconsin, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Orchids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Orchids is the FASD United Affiliate in Wisconsin.

This site is provided to families and professionals as an informative site on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It is not intended to replace professional medical, psychological, behavioral, legal, nutritional or educational counsel. Reference to any specific agency does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Orchids FASD Services.
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