The FASD Project is a short documentary film released in April, 2021, that discusses the science and impacts of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It includes interviews with lawyers, physicians, psychologists, and public health experts, as well as people with FASD and their families.
This August, The FASD Project was submitted to the Most Impactful Films (TMIF) festival, which promotes films that raise awareness about important issues and amplify the voices that often go unheard. Read more about TMIF’s purpose here. The FASD Project won in the category of Most Impactful Film in Neurodiversity of 2021.
The FASD Project was also submitted to the Making Our Movies Film Festival, also known as the MOM Film Fest, which seeks primarily to create new job opportunities for mothers in the movie industry, as they balance their film career with the raising of their children.
The film will also be shown in October at ProofCON 2021, an annual conference held by the Minnesota-based Proof Alliance.